Monday, July 27, 2009


A system for the automatic control of motion by means of feedback. The term servomechanism, or servo for short, is sometimes used interchangeably with feedback control system (servosystem). In a narrower sense, servomechanism refers to the feedback control of a single variable (feedback loop or servo loop). In the strictest sense, the term servomechanism is restricted to a feedback loop in which the controlled quantity or output is mechanical position or one of its derivatives (velocity and acceleration).

The purpose of a servomechanism is to provide one or more of the following objectives: (1) ac­curate control of motion without the need for human attendants (automatic control); (2) maintenance of accuracy with mechanical load variations, changes in the environment, power supply fluctuations, and aging and deterioration of components (regulation and self-calibration); (3) control of a high-power load from a low-power command signal (power amplification); (4) control of an output from a remotely located input, without the use of mechanical linkages (remote control, shaft repeater).
The illustration shows the basic elements of a servomechanism and their interconnections; in this type of block diagram the connection between elements is such that only a
unidirectional cause-and-effect action takes place in the direction shown by the arrows. The arrows form a closed path or loop; hence this is a single-loop servomechanism or, simply, a servo loop. More complex servomechanisms may have two or more loops (multiloop servo), and a complete control system may contain many servomechanisms.

James Watt's steam engine governor is generally considered the first powered feedback system. The windmill fantail is an earlier example of automatic control, but since it does not have an amplifier or gain, it is not usually considered a servomechanism.
The first feedback position control device was the ship
steering engine, used to position the rudder of large ships based on the position of ship's wheel. This technology was first used on the SS Great Eastern in 1866. Steam steering engines had the characteristics of a modern servomechanism: an input, an output, an error signal, and a means for amplifying the error signal used for negative feedback to drive the error towards zero.
Electrical servomechanisms require a power amplifier.
World War II saw the development of electrical fire-control servomechanisms, using an amplidyne as the power amplifier. Vacuum tube amplifiers were used in the UNISERVO tape drive for the UNIVAC I computer.
Modern servomechanisms use solid state power amplifiers, usually built from
MOSFET or thyristor devices. Small servos may use power transistors.
The origin of the word is believed to come from the French “Le Servomoteur” or the slavemotor, first used by J. J. L. Farcot in 1868 to describe hydraulic and steam engines for use in ship steering.
In many applications, servomechanisms allow high-powered devices to be controlled by signals from devices of much lower power. The operation of the high-powered device results from a signal (called the error, or difference, signal) generated from a comparison of the desired position of the high-powered device with its actual position. The ratio between the power of the control signal and that of the device controlled can be on the order of billions to one.
All servomechanisms have at least these basic components: a
controlled device, a command device, an error detector, an error-signal amplifier, and a device to perform any necessary error corrections (the servomotor). In the controlled device, that which is being regulated is usually position. This device must, therefore, have some means of generating a signal (such as a voltage), called the feedback signal, that represents its current position. This signal is sent to an error-detecting device. The command device receives information, usually from outside the system, that represents the desired position of the controlled device. This information is converted to a form usable by the system (such as a voltage) and is fed to the same error detector as is the signal from the controlled device. The error detector compares the feedback signal (representing actual position) with the command signal (representing desired position). Any discrepancy results in an error signal that represents the correction necessary to bring the controlled device to its desired position. The error-correction signal is sent to an amplifier, and the amplified voltage is used to drive the servomotor, which repositions the controlled device.
A typical system using a servomechanism is the
communications-satellite–tracking antenna of a satellite Earth station. The objective is to keep the antenna aimed directly at the communications satellite in order to receive and transmit the strongest possible signal. One method used to accomplish this is to compare the signals from the satellite as received by two or more closely positioned receiving elements on the antenna. Any difference in the strengths of the signals received by these elements results in a correction signal being sent to the antenna servomotor. This continuous feedback method allows a terrestrial antenna to be aimed at a satellite 37,007 km (23,000 miles) above the Earth to an accuracy measured in hundredths of a centimetre.

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